When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 @ 6:15 PM
Hellos peoples? 'Dedi' to our CHAIRMAN , Patricia ! Happy birthday to you :D
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 @ 10:24 PM
Vanessa posting okie? :]
sorry but i have the habit of enter after every line i type :X
bear with it ya? :D
ok...as we discussed in class tdy,
EHH..i here make one personal suggestion okie? :]
i was thinking we do jersey top.
den stick to the colour we want.
den after tat the back part put each of our names.
den after tat our index number as the big big number?
den front part jus put 1 humility? something like tat?
yep. tats wad i tink la :]
jus a suggestion :D
With love! :D
Thursday, September 3, 2009 @ 8:54 PM
Hi peoples , anyone who is free , please , change this blog's skin? copy paste can lers . or anyone who can online more , post in this blog more oftenly ehs o.o ask Shirnise , me , vanessa , tanying and some other ppls for the acc detail and stuff .
anyways , removed links which is dead .
as for the vote for class trademark . class tee , keychain etc . and please give more suggestion to it too . will hold a poll . thats all , bye people . i seemed to be posting more here thn my own blog; caiying
Tuesday, September 1, 2009 @ 5:48 PM
To all teachers; hope you guys got a nice holiday :D
A class of 41 in HolyInnocents'HighSchool,
30 girls and 11 boys.
Bite one of us,
The rest of 40 will go and get you :D
We'll be together always.
We will have you awestruck :D
Tag before leaving,
Spammers will not be entertained.
Use your brain, tag using you own name.
Unless your mother never give you one, yo.
To be humble to superiors is duty, to equals courtesy, to inferiors nobleness.
Teachers :D
Form Teacher: Ms Ang Poh Bee
Co-Form Teacher: Mr John Lim, Mdm Ernie
English: Ms Lynn Quan
Mathematics: Ms Ang Poh Bee
Higher Chinese: Mdm Lee Siu Hiok
Science: Mrs Valerie Seah, Mr Julia Chin, Ms How Yi Yun
History: Mdm Shirely Ho
Literature: Ms Laura Lim
PE: Mr John Lim, Mr Bernard
Music: Mrs Geraldine Tay
PW: Mr Jarrod Tan, Mrs Ang
Homeec: Mdm Ernie, Mrs Nancy Tan
Art: Ms Sandra Tan
Geography: Ms Zhang Jie Xin & We have super wonderful and high PSLs Jovian, Gabriel and Erica :D
The Slackers! :D
01 Boey Lye Weng 3Respect'11
02 Cecilia Tan 3Respect'11
03 Chan Mun Yu 3Respect'11
04 Chan Xing Er 3Charity'11
05 Charmine Foo 3Respect'11
06 Melia Chew 3Diligence'11
07 Belicia Choong 3Humility'11
08 Gladys Seow 3Humility'11
09 Janice Lim 3Charity'11
10 Jasmine Phua 3Humility'11
11 Theresa Kwek 3Respect'11
12 Hazel Lee 3Diligence'11
13 Lena Chng 3Respect'11
14 Elicia Lim 3Humility'11
15 Jazz Lim 3Sincerity'11
16 Lu Nian Yao 3Diligence'11
17 Lum Xue Ting 3Sincerity'11
18 Neo Ming Hoon 3Humility'11
19 Patricia Yeo 3Diligence'11
20 Shinise Lee 3Humility'11
21 Sim Cai Ying 3Diligence'11
22 Jolynn Tan 3Humility'11
23 Tan Ying 3Sincerity'11
24 Carissa Tan 3Diligence'11
25 Sheryl Teo 3Diligence'11
26 Vanessa Ho 3Charity'11
27 Yip Xiao Ling 3Respect'11
28 Zeng Yu Jia 3Diligence'11
29 Christian Reynoso 3Charity
30 Dylan Tan 3Respect'11
31 Ernest Teo 3Diligence'11
32 Highfield Christian 3Respect'11
33 Kian Zhang Quan 3Humility'11
34 Merwyn Low 3Respect'11
35 Ong Soon Heng 3Humility'11
36 Sidhant Singh 3Humility'11
37 Suman Chapagain 3Humility'11
38 Ryan Teh 3Humility'11
39 Zhu Yi Fan 3Humility'11
40 Lin Tian 3Respect'11
41 Gao Yu Qian 3Diligence'11